Monday, February 10, 2014

BSL3 Seminar Series Returns to Raleigh

April 28 - May 2, 2014 | North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health | Raleigh, NC Join us at our 14th Annual BSL3 Seminar Series, for one or both of our courses.

New addition this year is a lecture and tour of Duke University’s RBL and Lemur Center.

APRIL 28-29, 2014
BSL3 Facilities: Design, Construction and Beyond

Our teaching team of an architect, engineer and biosafety engineer provide practical, “been-there, done-that” information, incorporating real-world  experience as well as theoretical knowledge.

What people have said...

“Great two day class, lots of good info but real life examples were best.”

“Very informative [you] provide basic knowledge along with good background information that will allow me to make a positive impact on my facility.”

APRIL 30 - MAY 1, 2014
Advanced BSL3 Work Practices and Procedures

This advanced-level class utilizes scenarios and hands-on workshops to reinforce concepts contained in the senior level of CDC’s recent “Biosafety Laboratory Competency Guidelines.”

What people have said...

“Excellent 2 days of training. I learned so much from instructors and from the other participants. Was very surprised by the variety of experiences and occupations that were represented in participants...this was a strength of the program.”

“Overall one of the best BSL3 [classes] I have attended. Informative and I enjoyed the interactive exercises/discussions... all of presenters were very engaging & enthusiastic.”

Along with our two core programs, there are many exciting networking and learning experiences to highlight this year, including a lecture and tour of Duke University’s Regional Biocontainment Laboratory and Lemur Center on May 2, 2014.

To learn more about this program and all it has to offer, download the brochure or visit our website:

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